Day in the life: Shin Ni Chen
Shin Ni Chen was one of WEHI’s 2023 InSPIRE students.
Shin Ni and her family are from Malaysia though she is currently studying at Tshinghua University in Bejing.
She agreed to give us a peek into her daily life while studying at WEHI supported by the InSPIRE program.
At 9am Shin Ni arrives at WEHI and sets up her workspace to ensure she’s prepared for the day's experiments. She then heads up to the tearoom and mingles with some of her fellow scientists while having her morning tea.
At the lab, Shin Ni reads the protocols and familiarises herself with the experiments she’ll conduct that day. She then begins the process of setting up her lab bench space to start her experiments.
Shin Ni works on her experiments in the lab until 12pm, when she takes a break to have lunch with her fellow InSPIRE students in the tearoom. As they share a large table and socialise, they also learn from the projects and experiments that their peers are conducting. She enjoys this time to learn about other aspects of WEHI and gain insights that may be valuable to her own experiments.
After lunch Shin Ni returns to the lab and continues her experiments.
At 3pm she often takes a quick lab break to work on some administrative tasks at her desk and grab a cup of tea.
At 5pm she wraps up her experiments and desk work to head home to her host family's house for the night.